Friday, April 24, 2009

The wagon awaits me

I've had a hard time with consistency lately. My routine flew out the window with all the traveling, eating out, birthday dinners, etc..., and I'm going to bring it back. This week I kept starting off each day with a good breakfast, good lunch, and then I trailed off into something unhealthy by dinner time. My bad choices are showing on the scale.

...AND I haven't been exercising. I had a lot of activities this week, celebrating Brooke's new job and then Stephanie's birthday, plus working whenever I'm not busy celebrating, but that's no excuse. I have a lot going on right now, in regards to starting up the business, writing articles, staying on top of my current work load...and exercise is constantly the first thing I give up to make room for the more "important" things.

Yet I know how important exercise is. I know it makes me feel better about myself, increases my energy, helps me lose weight and feel successful in my weight loss efforts, etc... It should be the LAST thing I sacrifice. I know this.

I'm climbing back on the wagon, one day at a time. I'm going to exercise today. My day will not be complete until I have worked out. I'm going to enter all my foods into my WW points journal online. My day will not be complete until I have done that as well.

I know the recipe for success. Now I just need to put the ingredients together! :)


Anonymous said...

Good for you! As I told you when you started this journey, you have to schedule your workouts into your day so you make sure you are doing them.Good for you for getting back on a healthy journey. Life will always be busy (especially for you), just adhere to NIKE's mantra: Just Do IT!!

Kristen said...

I know you told me that, pumpkin. I've always agreed. I have the most success when I can get into a routine, so I'm going to work on that, even though my life has nooo opportunity for a routine right now!

Anonymous said...

Since you are a freakish early riser, maybe you should do it in the a.m.

Alison... said...

It's so easy to get off track both with eating and exercise... good for keeping yourself in check and making adjustments to make time for movement!