Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Breakin' the rules

I wore a white linen suit to work today. It's not even May yet! I am ca-razy!!!
I was so sick of my drab and dreary winter clothes, I just HAD to. I haven't worn the suit in 6 or 7 months, and I think it fits exactly the same as it did then...another reminder that I haven't lost or gained much for a loooong time.
I'm thinking about not using my scale for a week. I don't have hang ups, but I've been weighing myself every day (several times) for the past year and a half, and I think I just want to take a break.
I've tried everything else, why not this. I'm curious how I'll respond to not having the daily weigh in!
We shall soon see.


Alison... said...

love the picture!

yes, try staying off the scale... it's hard but you can do it.

Of course if I did that, I'd gain 10 pounds!