Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life is Art

I have been missing from this blog for a while, and I apologize.  A lot has changed since I last posted, but for someone who blogs about choosing joy, I'm pleased to report that I've never been happier in my entire life!

One of the things that makes me so happy is that I've been painting...a LOT.  I think I've probably painted 20 new pieces in the past few weeks.  They aren't all good - in fact, most of them aren't at all, but a few of them just may show a little promise, and that makes me happy.

I'm starting to challenge myself using different mediums, and striving for more detail than I would have in the past.  It's hard, but I LOVE it.  Christy says I'm an artist, and that I need to create to be whole, and I think she's right about that.  I've always loved to create, but I fit it in when I could.  Now that I'm doing it all the time, it's kind of addictive.  I can see why artists choose to starve over selling out...once you get that natural high, it would be very hard to let go of.

Thankfully, my ego is in tact, even though I'm creating art along the side of an amazing *real* artist.  She has already taught me so much, and I feel so blessed.

Alas, it is time to lower myself back down from the clouds.  For now, my dreams of becoming a starving artist will be very real soon if I don't get back to work.  ;-)

Be good to yourself.