Sunday, April 19, 2009

Flip Flops

I used to have to take great care with my footwear choices. When I weighed so much more, my back hurt all the time, and if I had to do any walking, I needed really supportive sneakers or I wouldn't be able to walk more than a few steps without being in major pain. Even with the sneakers on, my back would probably start hurting after walking about one block when I was at my heaviest.

When I started losing weight, my back pain was one of the first big changes I noticed. It lessened immediately, and now I can't remember the last time I had back pain from walking or standing for a long time. I've stood for hours without sitting, and I have no trouble at all. It's really amazing.

I've noticed that when I first started losing weight, I started to really enjoy walking, but the reason I enjoyed it was because it was like a new trick I could do. I was just so glad to be able to walk. I also enjoyed it because it made me feel good to be doing something healthy. I felt it was a kind of exercise, and for that, I enjoyed it.

Now, I just actually enjoy walking. It's not even related to caring that it's a form of exercise. I'm just a person who enjoys walking. I'm not sure when that transition happened, but I'm thrilled that it did. My brain is continuing to become rewired.

I was thrilled that the place we were staying was a bit of a walk from downtown. I thoroughly enjoyed every trip to and from the downtown area.

Ah yes, the title of the blog... I've worn flip flops the entire time that I've been in Provincetown. It doesn't bother my feet at all to walk and walk and walk in flip flops. It's such a nice change to not have to be orthopedically prepared to have to go for a walk!

In my 20's, I was probably living in the body of an elderly person, with all the trouble I had getting around. I was so limited, and it's nice to feel like I'm aging in reverse. I'm totally Benjamin Button!


Alison... said...

Thank you for 'encouraging' me to walk a lot in Ptown, I enjoyed it to. I had some pain but it was not that bad...

Glad you're pain free - I can't wait to be too

Anonymous said...

Yes being down the Cape, the joy is diminished if you can't walk everywhere.

Glad you are enjoying the "new" you