Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Follow Your Dreams

It's funny to think that a dream I had a few months ago has already come to fruition. It wasn't magic - I just decided to do it, and I did it. It can be easy to dream big, but never follow through. Sometimes we have to go beyond our comfort zone if we want to do something different, and that's okay.

It's not the destination, it's the journey. We can't always sit around waiting for circumstances to be perfect before we do the things we're holding out for. I'm making a documentary of my experience here. I'd love to wait to be thin before submitting a documentary filled with footage of me to a TV station, but too bad. I'm not thin. I hope to be, and I'm going to work toward that, but I'm not going to waste another minute of life holding myself back from doing what I want to do because of obstacles I'm creating. I did that for a decade when I was bigger, and I'm not doing it anymore.

I have no idea what will come of this CD. I don't expect much, but I know what has already come of the experience. I got to see the inner workings of a real studio, I have a CD that came out much better than I anticipated, I followed my dreams and had an extraordinary life experience, and now I have direction on my next project - a rap cd! :) If any more comes out of the experience, it's all gravy at this point.

I truly believe that we can do whatever we want in this world. So much of success is just luck, but I don't need to sell a ton of copies of my CD to have it be a meaningful experience - it already was a meaningful, life changing experience. I'm so glad I followed my dream.

What are your dreams???


Alison... said...

What a life changing experience you had - I can't wait to see the documentary!

Anonymous said...

Sadly I shelved my dreams many years ago. Now I just want a job...lol

Kristen said...

TJ - that's so sad - dig deep, kid. :)

Stephanie Carnes said...

I listened to the whole CD as soon as I woke up this morning, and I absolutely loved it! You did a fantastic job, and you should be so proud of the result.

I would also like to request a Christmas CD. Check out "Come On, Ring Those Bells" - I think you would rock it.

Kristen said...

i love the idea of a christmas cd - great - now i have 2 cds to make

i'm going to need to take a love offering. LOL

Carmen said...

um i would like to know how i can get a copy of said CD? i can start the KBC revolution out here on the westside...woot woot