Monday, June 1, 2009


I'm leaving for Nashville in basically 2.5 weeks. I suppose I should start practicing!
I went through 8 of the 12 songs today. My voice is tired, so I'm taking a break, but I need to start warming up more, so that I get more miles out of my voice each day. After all, the days are going to be long in the studio, and I need to be ready!
I record each song, and then play it back and listen for opportunities to improve, etc... Overall, I'm really pleased with the way the songs are sounding, so that's good news!
I know I can do better, though, so I'm going to keep practicing. I want to make time every day for the next 2 weeks, and I should be able to do that for the most part...I just need to remember to do it!
I'll post a sample as soon as I have one that will load.


Alison... said...

How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Bring on the Grammy's!!

You know I am refering to people's grandparents right!!!