Thursday, June 4, 2009

Weekly Schedule

Obviously, the schedule above is not mine. :) But it sounds like a very busy and well rounded young person!

I'm a pretty well organized person, but I always bite off more than I can chew, which makes it hard/impossible to fit it all in. I've used daily schedules, and they work for a while, but because I try to pack SO much into one day, they don't work long term because there isn't enough room for the unexpected or the unplanned.

I've spent some time putting together yet another weekly schedule yesterday, and I've decided it's too unreasonable. What I'm going to attempt is a weekly schedule. I know how many hours I need to work each week, and if I want to work out an hour each day, six days a week, I can break that into 6 hours of exercise a week - some days that may be 90 minutes and other days it may be 30, but I'll go for the average of 60 minutes each day with one day off, and then I can plan the rest of my weekly to do's accordingly.

I know I'm going to be in Nashville the last week of the month, and that it will be hard for me to get a lot of work done that week, but I'm paid hourly as a consultant, so I want to plan to get in 50 hrs/week for the first 3 weeks of the month so that I can get in 10 the last week while I'm away and I'll reach my hours for the month.

My Mom is coming to visit, and she'll be staying with us the 3rd week of the month, so if I can get in as many hours as possible in the first 2 weeks of the month, that will give me more time to spend with her. It's going to be tight, but I think having a weekly chart of all I need to accomplish will help me get there.

Being organized, meeting deadlines, making time to exercise and taking control of your life will aid in your ability to lead a joyful life. :)


Alison... said...

I get tired just reading about your schedule, never mind living it - yikes.

Anonymous said...

I am a big believer in not schedules per say, but in having to do lists. It keeps everything current in my mind and makes me accountable to get it done.