Saturday, June 6, 2009

Airport Trauma

I'm at the airport, waiting for my Mom to arrive from ATL. Being in an airport is giving me flashbacks of my loooooooong flights I just took. LOL - I didn't think it would, but apparently it is. I can't believe I'm going to be flying to Nashville in 2 weeks. It's okay, I'll get over it. :)

I'm excited to see my Mom! I don't think she's ever been to Boston's North End which is famously Italian and filled with lots of fabulous restaurants. Since we're all the way here, I think it's a good time to take her there! We picked up Alison on the way down to bring her to lunch too.

After that, we'll go back to the house and my Mom can relax in the hammock and read a nice book while I go to the store and pick up a few things to have a cook out tonight. I invited Alison and the girls over, so it should be nice!

Tomorrow, we head up to Maine to spend some time up there with my Mom, and she'll stay the whole week. I'm looking forward to going to the ocean! I haven't been in about a month, and I just love it.

Anyway, enough about me. :) I should probably see if she's landed!

Enjoy the day!


Alison... said...

I checked this blog yesterday but didn't see the update... hmmmmm, strange.

Anyway, thank you for bringing me along for the day, I had a WONDERFUL time. I loved the restaurant [thank you for treating me] and it was such a beautuiful day to walk around Boston. The farmer's market was a little stressful due to the crowds but it wasn't too bad and I'm happy I got some fresh [and cheap] veggies!

Best of all, I'm glad I got to visit with the sweet as apple pie Linda Carroll.


Anonymous said...

Forgot your Momwas visiting this week. I hope you have fun!!