Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This is the life

I guess Darcy took a picture of me relaxing with the hot tub half open the other day - classic move of mine when I go in alone... It's much easier to close, and I really don't need to open the whole thing just for me anyway. You can kind of see our hammock too on the right side of the photo. I just LOVE sitting in the hot tub, staring at the water, reading a book and enjoying the beautiful weather!
I know we only have a few months to enjoy the nice weather of NH, and sometimes I think I would want to live somewhere that is summery all year 'round, but other times I think I just wouldn't appreciate the wonders of summer as much if I could enjoy it all year. Who knows...
I do love the four seasons we have in New England, but I just wish winter wasn't the longest one! I like the snow and cross country skiing and White Christmases, but seriously, it seems to last forever...that's a bit much.
Anyway, for now it's summer, and I'm LOVING it!!! I think that enjoying the outdoors is one of the best treats we get in life.


Carmen said...

oh the envy. I guess when you said you lived by the lake I didn't realize you lived BY the lake. That's an amazing view! I'm super excited to be moving somewhere with a backyard...and let me tell you, the backyard I'm getting couldn't hang with yours in a million years. Guess I'll just live vicariously through your pictures...honestly it looks incredible there.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture! Yoiu should frame it and put it on your desk to help get you through the long winters.

Alison... said...

It was suuuuuuuuuuch a long winter this year, glad the warm weather is here. If you lived somewhere warm, you wouldn't enjoy the hot tub as much... it would just be too hot to.

Cute pic though, stoop.

lanie said...

either i'm more blind than i thought, or you have lost an awful lot of weight! you sure you're in there?