Monday, October 26, 2009

The set

This is an example of a cooking show set.  All I need to do is pick out some sets for my cooking segments, book club segments, interviews, etc...  What fun!  Darcy and I toured the station on Saturday, and it was really cool.  I think the show is going to be called Living Well, but let me know what you think.  I want to capture the idea of well rounded, healthy, local living.  If you think of something better, or have comments on the name, let me know.

I left my sister a message asking her for help with a show title.  I described the format:  in these difficult times, I want to bring a show about healthy, inexpensive, well-rounded living - sometimes doing cooking segments, book clubs, exercise tips, features about local businesses and farms to support, restaurant reviews, interviews, etc...  She called back and suggested I call the show, "The Oprah Winfrey Show, by Kristen Carroll."  LOL!!!  She is a funny girl.

All systems are a go.  The first piece will be to film the intro and finalize the name. Then we'll put together a shooting schedule.  I'm starting with a monthly show, and then if I have more time, I'll do it weekly.  Although the show is monthly, I'll film weekly 5 minute segments to air during the daily "news," which will also be a promo for the show.

My plan is to block off a Saturday, and film 3 episodes at a time - that way there won't be a constant time commitment.  For the intro, I'm thinking of a montage of local pictures, set to a theme song that I'll compose.  Pretty simple.  Let me know if you have other ideas.  I plan to start filming in November.

I'm super excited, and I can't believe this didn't occur to me sooner!


Alison... said...

This is very very exciting, I'm so proud of all you constantly accomplish in a life that is so busy all the time. You are truly amazing.

Can't wait to see the show -


Anonymous said...

I am not sure why but for some reason I am associating "living well" with Martha Stewart. Is that heer tag line or something. Not sure why she comes to mind for that.

Other than that, I see a top ten Nielsen grabber. A feel good show for the whole family.

Kristen said...

Darcy said the same thing - it's because of "Martha Stewart Living" I think.

Kitty said...

How exciting! Very cool. Can't wait to see the show. Let me know if you need any print, graphics, or marketing material :)

RE: the name...I love 'Living Well' but if you google it, there's a lot already out there. That doesn't mean you can't use it, just give it some thought, like, what if it grows into a magazine, book, etc.? You'll want a name that can withstand growth.

some thoughts...
"Kristen's Living Well" (double meaning)
"Let's Talk - Living Well"
"Living Well Ideas"