Friday, October 23, 2009

Inching closer into your living rooms!

I have my first meeting with the local TV station tomorrow AM. They said my idea is very doable, and they are looking forward to getting started. Me too!! I'm tempted to fly my sister up to do the first cooking show with me. I think that would be a good thing.

Oh, Stephanie! You in??


I think the prospect of having a healthy living TV show is very, very fun. It will also be just another venue to keep me on the straight and narrow with my own healthy living goals.

Move over Tyra, here I come! ;-)


Alison... said...

That is awesome - please update the blog so your readers know how the meeting went. -

I'm sure they'll love you.

I knew one day you'd be famous, you're on your way.

First stop - cable.

Kristen said...

Cable access - not quite cable.

Ah yes, this is my road to fame. ;-)

Alison... said...

cable access

then cable

cd on the way...

the sky's the limit!

Anonymous said...

Remember we knew you when you only watched cable access!!

Stephanie Carnes said...

So cool! I'll start coming up with a menu for when I guest star. :-)