Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Breast Cancer Walk

The tool bar at the top of this blog window isn't populating, so no picture - sorry! Imagine this: a gray, rainy day, a large crowd of people with red cheeks and noses traipsing up a medium incline hill, smatterings of umbrellas and few smiles to be seen: that is what the breast cancer walk looked like this past Sunday. LOL

It was 30 something degrees out, but with the wind chill factor it felt much colder. We tried to avoid the large puddles as much as possible, but some could not be avoided, so our feet were wet, our ears were burning cold, our clothes were soaked, our lungs were hard to fill from the cold and of course, it was worth every minute.

We ended up doing the 3 mile walk, rather than the 5 mile walk we had planned on, since it was so cold and rainy. I hope none of my sponsors mind! As I walked, I thought about all the people I know who have been touched by breast cancer.

One friend of ours from Goffstown had quite an episode with breast cancer in her 20's, and now, 15 years later, she is having a severe relapse. Tomorrow, she is having a double mastectomy, and after that, she faces an aggressive regimin of chemo and radiation. I just learned about her relapse the day before the walk, so she was most on my mind on Sunday.

We have made great strides to fight breast cancer, but the work is not yet done, by a long shot. It's just one of so many battles we face, but since I'm not gifted with a scientific mind to personally find cures, I can give of my time and my resources to try to help out in the little way that I can. I can also choose to live a healthy life, and work to honor my body.

I would still like to do the breast cancer 3 day walk, and I'm thinking that next year may be the year.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the walk was such a success. Thank you for doing that by the way. Hope it didn't make you sicker. Thoughts are with your friend.

Alison... said...

OMG, poor Helen... such a sweet sweet lady...lots of prayers for her recovery.

And of course none of your sponcers care that you didn't to the 5 miles in the freezing monsoon... it would have been fine if you didn't walk at all given the weather and your health... God bless you for getting out there though.