Thursday, July 23, 2009

Putting on a happy face

So yesterday I was feeling slightly miserable between the exhaustion, 3 day headache, knee and eye issues, and rain, but I had blogged about trying to make the best of the day...putting on a happy face...choosing joy over misery...
I did my best, and I ended up having a perfectly fine day. I made sure I took a few moments to laugh with people in the office, I focused on the positive, I avoided situations where I would hurt my knee more (which I should have been doing all along - I'm stupit), and so yes, my day was perfectly fine. It wasn't a great day or an awesome day - it was just a normal day.
I think we control so much of our outlook in life. Somethings and some emotions may be out of our control, but the way we handle and respond to things makes the difference in our journey. I always hear the phrase, "It's not the destination, it's the journey." I don't know who said it - I've seen it attributed to many different people, but the point is so true.
So many times we are just waiting out our current situation, hoping to get to our goal because then we'll be happy or comfortable or satisfied or rich or whatever it is we're looking for. If we can realize that each step along our journey is truly part of what "it" is all about, we will be more inclined to focus on making each day count.
Today is a new day. I'm pretty sure it's a cloudy day. I would prefer a sunny day, but a cloudy day is better than a rainy day. I have someone coming to take my boat out of the water, and he's going to try to fix it today. He can do that on a cloudy day, but not so much on a rainy day. I'm hoping he can fix it today or tomorrow because it's supposed to be sunny this weekend, so it would be fixed just in time.
Sometimes when I'm sick of being stuck in the house, or I'm sick of the rain, Darcy and I have theme nights to try to change it up. We don't do it as often as we used to, but we may have Chinese night where we order or make Chinese food and have Chinese drinks and play Chinese games, or we'll just have a game night or a monte carlo night or just something to change it up to make an overcast blah Thursday night a fun night. We always have a blast, and I think tonight is going to be a theme night. It's been yucky all week (again), and I've been tired - we've both had headache's all week, and I think this is just the thing to change it up and to spike the blah with a little fun.
I better give Darcy some notice so she can get Henry the appropriate attire! ;-)
LOL - enjoy your day, be it sunny or gray.


Anonymous said...

Stop dressing that poor dog up in clothes, he is already wearing a fur

Theme lesbians are a hoot.

I like the outlook, I tend to be more cynical and often get mired down by depression when things are not going well. I could use a dose of your outlook.

Alison... said...

Glad you made the best of your day, despite how lousy you felt. I hope you're feeling better today.

Glad that someone is looking at the boat, I know you missed using it.

Alison... said...

Oh ya and NEVER stop dressing Henry up, little dogs are made to be dressed up!