Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back to Work

I've been so busy with everything else, I don't think I mentioned to the blogosphere yet that I accepted a full time job with one of my clients...about a month ago... While I wind down some other projects I'm working on, I'm going to be going into the office Tuesdays through Thursdays during the summer, and then I'll start full time after Labor Day. I can still keep my consulting business as well, so it's a good situation.
I'd been working 40 hrs/week for them for a long time anyway, and this way I get benefits and more job security, but the content of the work will be pretty much the same, so I'm excited for the opportunity. The job is an expanded role from my last full time job, and it's exactly what I would have picked as my next step in my career, so good for me.
I started my weekly schedule in the office today. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about going back to a normal office schedule (even though it's only 3 days a week now!) since I hadn't had a normal office schedule in so long. Even in my last job before I was laid off, I had the flexibility to work from home quite often. I haven't had a job that required me to be in the same office every day for probably about 5 years. Boy, was I spoiled!
My first day back in the office went really well! I was very busy, and booked solid almost every minute, but it made the time fly by. I really like the people I work with, so that's always a huge plus. Also, the commute is the shortest commute I've ever had in my entire life.
Cheers to new beginnings!


Alison... said...

It's a great situation and it will work out great for you. Even when you're working in the office 5 times a week, it's close by - so all good!

Your hard work and talent has surely paid off!

Stephanie Carnes said...

That's great - congradulations!

(Sorry, I had to spell it like that because I've been reading Cake Wrecks.)

Anonymous said...

I am 95% happy for you and 5% jealous as I am still a member of the unemployed masses...lol.

As always you will do great and your new boss already knows that you bring talent, drive, and ingenuity to the role.