Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Art Project

We had the downstairs bathroom redone while we were away, and now we need stuff to decorate it with. Since we've been sick, we haven't left the house to get the stuff we need. I decided to paint a wall hanging today (pictured above).

I need to paint the border another color, because that is just entirely TOO much blue. I asked Darcy what she thought of the painting, and she did her best to convince me that she liked it, but I could tell otherwise! LOL

Oh well - I'm certainly not married to it, and obviously, it only took me a few minutes to do, so I may redo it another day when I'm feeling better. All I did was a little painting, but it sucked the LIFE out of me because of my pneumonia.

We left the house to go out to lunch with Lanie today. I knew I had to try to venture out in the world since I hadn't since last Thursday. My lunch made me a little sick to my stomach, and I got home just in time. This has been a heck of a run, my friends. :) (Shouldn't I be losing more weight than just a few lbs??? That's the whole *point* of looking forward to a stomach flu!) LOL

Anyway, I am ca-raving a nice meat and potatoes home cooked meal with rolls and gravy. I can't remember the last time I had that - actually - I think it was 3 months ago for Darcy's birthday. It's very rare we make a big, filling meal like that, but I'm due. Too bad the 2 cooks in the house are too sick to cook.

Oh, Heeeeeeenry!!!! JK - he's still recovering too!

I think tomorrow when I'm feeling better (fingers crossed) I'm going to go to the store and get stuff for a roast beef dinner. Yum. :)


Alison... said...

I didn't realize that both of you were sick... let me know if you need anything!

I actually made a nice roast beef and mashed potatoes and I would be more than happy to bring the leftovers, let me know if that interests you.

Feel better!

Alison... said...

Oh ya and I love the painting!


Anonymous said...

I have to see the painting in RL to comment.

I didn't know "The" was sick too, tell her I said i hope she feel sbetter