Monday, November 9, 2009

Self portrait

Things are moving along with the TV show.  I'm trying to get a TM on "choosing joy," but it may not be available, so I"m exploring other options - Joy is a Choice, etc...  Kitty is working with me to register possible domain names that I may want, and she's also going to be working on the logo, etc...

It's just one of many projects that I have to do, but as my office gets closer and closer to being finished, I'm going to have more time and space to work on all of this...stuff!

Tomorrow, the closet should be finished, which means I can figure out what I need to store, what I need actively around me, and what additional desks/surfaces will fit with the closet installed.  I can't wait to get my area organized again.  It's making me crazy.

I hung my pictures this weekend, and the internet is set up with a temporary fix for now, but everything is still a mess, and I don't like it. 

Tomorrow, after the closet is done, I'm going to do my best to get the office in order.  I believe we are having company tomorrow night, so I'm not sure if I can fit it all in, but I'm going to try!


Anonymous said...

Maybe this little guy in the pic could be part of your logo. He brought me joy. Glad to see you are back.

I can't wait to see the finished product when all is said and done on this home office of yours.

Alison... said...

Things are really moving along, that's great.