Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Working for the weekend

I haven't been used to working in the same office 5 days/week, and it's been an adjustment for me.  I have always worked long hours, but I've had the flexibility to work from home or Panera bread or from any number of offices...  I feel very restricted in this regimented schedule, and I just need to make it work for me.  It's the reality of my life for the next few years.

For the first time in years, I am religiously looking forward to the weekend, because I equate the weekend with freedom.  Monday - Friday, I have to be in the office early every morning, put in about a 10 hr day, get home, work out, do homework, sometimes do more work, and then watch tv.  What a horridly boring existance!!  It's depressing!  I don't know how the workforce puts up with this. 

So I've joined the ranks of those working for the weekend.  I've written off Monday - Friday afternoon as wasted life, and I pin all my hopes on Friday night - Sunday night...but even though I don't have to be in the office on the weekend, I still have to work and do homework, and run errands, and pay bills, and get the house in order, and work out, and it's just a never ending cycle of soul draining activities.

There really is a point here about choosing joy...  LOL

I need to stop looking at my life in those terms.  If all the things I spend my time on are soul draining, I need to think about if that's the best way I should be spending my time.  I know I have to work, but maybe I don't need to work so many hours.  I know I need to work out, but maybe if I worked out in the AM before work, I wouldn't feel like my whole night was taken up.  I have to finish school (even though I think it's silly), but I should set aside specific times I do homework, so that I don't have a little bit hanging over my head every night.

I haven't been able to work on any of my projects lately, and I'm disappointed about that.  This is the stuff I enjoy, and I need to get my office ready, so that when I go home from work, I can do the things that do feed my soul.  I also want to plan to do more fun things during the week, like having people over for dinner, going out to eat, going to the movies, and other things that will break up the time.  Sure, I have to get up early every day, and I have to follow the same routine, but if I limit work to even 9 hours/day, and I spend 11 sleeping, working out, getting ready and winding down, I still have 4 hours that I can use for me time.

I don't want to work for the weekends anymore.  I want to start making each day a good one!


Anonymous said...

Did I write this blog? Your work schedule mirrors mine and I also work for the weekends. Yes working every day and working out every night, leaves little free time for fun. Even when I have free time for fun, I often plop my fat butt in front of the tv and veg out.

You really attack life, and you always find the time to do the things that feed your soul. Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving. Live Gladys Live!!

Please tell me you have seen Auntie Mame

Anonymous said...

That should have been Agnes not Gladys.

Alison... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alison... said...

I deleted my comment... type-os

more than usual.

I'm sure it's been a difficult transition from having such a free schedule to such a rigid M-F schedule... I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work so that every day is enjoyable and productive.