Monday, November 23, 2009


It's hard not to feel overwhelmed sometimes.  I have a high capacity for work and stress, but even I feel overwhlemed...sometimes.  Today is one of those days.  I have a mountain of work to do, homework that is past due, classes to register for, holiday flights I need to book, presentations I need to plan, a CD to follow up on (because the ball keeps getting dropped!)...and honestly, if I wasn't feeling under the weather, I don't think I'd even notice.

Most days I have a million things to do, and that's just how I roll, but when I'm feeling sick and tired, it just feels like it's all too much.  Life is short, and I try to fit it all in.  I do choose joy, and I choose vitality, but sometimes I wish I could take a break from myself.  I look at the way some other people life, going to work a fairly mindless job, coming home, doing errands, having dinner, watching tv, doing stuff around the house on the weekends, and that's the gig - sometimes I think that would be a nice way to live...but I know I just don't have it in me.

I have too much to say, to express...too much ADHD possibly - LOL...  I may just be destined for a very busy life, and even though I'm busy, I still always find time for me as well, because balance is so important.  On a day like today, however, I just wish I could take a pass, clear my busy little brain, and have things a little less complicated.

That's not going to happen, though, and I know I'm only feeling that way because I don't feel well and I'm tired, and I have so much to do, so rather than continuing to feel overwhelmed, I'm going to make a list of everything I need to do for work and home and school and everything else, and I'm going to finish everything on that list today.  I'm not going to go to bed until it's all done.

That's my plan.  Having a plan already makes me feel like I can breathe.  Ahhhh....


Anonymous said...

You thrive on being busy and on having multiple balls in the air at anytime. It is how you roll, and you could never conform to just doing the norm.

You can handle it always do!! Take a big breath and deal with one thing at a time.

Alison... said...

The problem about taking a pass day is that things just pile up even higher when you get back to it!


If you ever want help with anything [such as booking the tickets], I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to help.

Just sayin

Hope you feel better soon