Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I met with my academic advisors yesterday, and we spent a looong time going over all my credits and looking at all the courses/requirements I still need to complete to finish.  I switched my major 10 times (at least), so as a result, some of the classes I took just didn't fit into any slots - others had expired - and others I managed to take multiple times because I was never very organized about my approach to completing.

I really didn't care.  I just knew I should be in school and at some point, I was bound to finish.  Apparently, it takes slightly more planning.  LOL.  It's just been such an after/after/after/after thought of mine.  Anyway, we compared my expertise and knowledge base to my remaining requirements, and apparently, I only have 2 classes left. 

I've known I was close for a while, but without having an organized approach, it could have taken me another decade or so.  As long as those 2 classes are available during the winter intensive session, I will be done with my classes in January.  After that, I'll need to prepare porfolio upon portfolio to satisfy all the other requirements.  They have warned me that these projects are very labor intensive, but I have a feeling it won't be so bad.

I can't apply for graduation until all of my portfolios have been submitted, and I have to apply for graduation 6 months before it actually happens, so the Good Lord only knows when that will be, but the important thing here is that I'm almost done.

I'm thinking of really shooting for the stars and getting a substandard graduate degree next.  Watch out!


Anonymous said...

What kind of portfolio do they require? I am not even certain what they mean by a portfolio.

You need to finish graduate degrees with a thesis.

Are you modeling now? That is the only portfolio I am familiar with.

Alison... said...

Wow, 2 classes!

that's great -

Glad you finally met with your advisor.

As always... I'm proud of you.