Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wow - I missed a whole week?!

The picture above is Fiji. When I couldn't fall asleep last night, I was picturing vacationing in a hut in Fiji. That would be nice. Do you have any idea how expensive it is to rent one of those huts? It's crazy. I'm sure it's worth it too.
I could never justify spending the money, so I've found cheaper huts in still beautiful locations (just not Fiji) where you can stay in a hut over the water with a glass bottom floor for like $300 or $400/night. It's still a lot of money, but at least it's not monopoly money like the Fiji huts.
I need a vacation. I'm working two full time jobs, while I film a documentary and get my CD going. When anything extra comes up, all bets are off. We're having the memorial for Sally at our house and Krissy's house this weekend. It's turning out to be a lot of work, which I'm more than happy to do, but it's just hard to find the time.
It makes sleeping a challenge because I never feel like I've taken care of everything I'm supposed to. I think if I take a vacation, I'll probably just use it to work on other things, but I'm still thinking of taking the first week in September off, and possibly the last week in August. We'll see.
TJ thinks I can't be happy unless I'm going in a million directions...maybe he's right, but I think it's also just that I have so much I want to do - how can I possibly pair down the list more? I've already put so many things on hold.
This is what happens when you lose your job. You remember all the other things you wanted to do with your life, and you have the freedom and flexibility to just go for it.
Hopefully when I start my full time job in September, I can go back to my life of quiet desperation. ;-)


Alison... said...

Let me know how I can help with Sally's memorial.

I think you like to be busy but you also can let go of it all when you're on vacation and truly enjoy yourself - I've seen it for myself!

You do need and deserve a vaca... hopefully you will be able to take some 'me' time very soon.

Anonymous said...

You don't have A.D.D. you have A.A.D. (Always attention disorder), I am not sure you know what it means to do truly nothing. Oh maybe you do, I tell you about my life...lol