Monday, August 3, 2009

Day off

Even though I had a million things to do, I decided to take the day off yesterday. I had such a busy week, by the time Saturday came around, I was completely exhausted. I was out with friends until almost midnight for a birthday celebration the night before, and I had to be out of the house by 7:30 AM Saturday morning. I didn't sleep well Friday night, so by the time 6AM came on Saturday morning, I was TIred.

I had many stops along the way, and I didn't get home until around 11 on Saturday night. I can't believe I made it that long. When I got up yesterday, I spent about 5 hours sorting through things I'd picked up at the house in MA the day before, looking for pictures, things for my documentary. It was something that needed to be done, but it was relaxing, so at least the day wasn't a total waste.

Other than that, I moved out of my office in Manch., and we went to the movies. At home, I watched tv and ate junky food, so I have a food hangover today, and I feel gross, but at least I'm well rested!

I've been cruising along with my work all morning, and I know I'll get more done this week since I took a day off


Alison... said...

Glad you had a somewhat down day even though you actually put it to good use!

Thank you for asking me to join you at the movies, it was good to get out of the house.

If you decide on a boat ride later for a break, I would be happy to be the on board entertainment.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an active & fun weekend