Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Celebration of Life

On Sunday we celebrated Sally's life. Some of the pictures above, begin to capture the beauty of the day, but they don't do it justice. I should have taken more after all the flowers, tables and decorations were set up. At least I have a lot of it on video.
The bench above was built, painted and donated by some neighbors on the river...so sweet...Sally loved to garden, and this bench will set in her garden at her house. Lanie made the seed packets that are placed on the bench, so that we could all plant wildflowers, Sally's favorite, in our own gardens as a tribute...
Amanda loaned us her memory tree, that's on one of the tables above, so that we could all write messages to Sally and her loved ones, placing them on the branches of the tree, and then given to the family.
Lanie and Amanda donated all the beautiful flowers, and there were TONS. It was really wonderful to see so many people get together to help plan, and give of their time and money freely to make Sunday a beautiful day.
I can't help but think what a shame it is that we do these things after people have gone...
My parents used to throw spontaneous love parties for us when we were growing up, and we could throw love parties for our Mom and Dad too. It was just a party in your honor, with your favorite food, games, and some fun presents...just because! I love that idea, and while my friends would probably commit me if I tried something like that now, I think we can at least learn from the principle...
You never need an excuse to show someone how much they mean to you. I'm going to continue to try to do a better job of that.


Anonymous said...

What a nice post and what a nice tribute to your friend!

You can throw me and I love you party anytime you want. I am definitely down with that...lol

Alison... said...

Love party is such a cute idea, leave it to Ray and Linda to think of it.

You worked harder than anyone to organize Sally's memorial and you did an awesome job!

Kristen said...

You are sweet, but many hands made light the work. :) It never would have happened without the great group effort.