Well friends, once again I'm writing to say how tough life has been lately.
No, that sounds snotty. I'm not snotty. I'm just happy and very blessed...and one of the few people who will drop everything and prepare a speech at the last minute to fill in when there's been a cancellation...so there's that...it's not all just good fortune.There are a few different pools to choose from at the *amazing* resort we are staying at (for free). This one is totally cool in that the water goes over the top of the stone that you can see, and drips down the side, which then funnels and flows into a fountain into a giant pool/lagoon at the level below. This pool also has a large glass circle in the middle of the floor so you can see down to the pool below. Also, when you're in the pool below looking up at the people through the glass circle, it looks like you are checking out humans at an aquarium. Very funny/cool.
LOL. We're having a great time. I worked for most of the morning, and I finished my presentation as well. I also did a dry run through, and I feel very comfortable with it. I'm actually looking forward to presenting tomorrow. That's a nice feeling. I remember when I wasn't so nuts about presenting.
that place looks amazing! You've been to many nice places but I'll bet that ranks at the top. Glad you're enjoying your time there.
Good luck on your speech, not that you need it.
Only you would post one sole photo of yourself with a mask...lol. I have no doubts that your presentation will be great. You are a pro now. I wish i was there with you. Looks like fun. Don't let "the Darc" get washed over the edge of the pool into a fountain.
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