Tuesday, February 9, 2010

With a song in my heart

While I do my best to choose joy daily, sometimes the things that take up the majority of my time in life end up souring my outlook, just a bit.  It's probably no coincidence that I have these feelings around the time I PMS, but there will always be those annoying times at life that cause us to choose misery and despair over joy.  It's our job to make sure we fight back.

Last night, I was feeling kind of blah.  I have a never ending pile of work to be done, that I couldn't possibly complete in normal business hours, my classes this semester are a time draining annoyance to me, and I can't seem to find the time to do all the work, I need to spend a lot of time working out to accomplish my weight loss and fitness goals, I need to devote about a month to reorganizing my house to make it work for me, and by the time I'm done with all of that stuff, when am I supposed to do the things I am passionate about?

Well, I truly don't know.  What I do know, however, is that when I feel this way, I need to take a step back and slow down.  If I don't, 10 years will pass and I'll be troubled by the same things. 

To give myself a moment to reflect, I decided to spend sometime outside in my hot tub, staring up at the sky and consider the things I care about.  I know I want to spend my life creating, doing good, being a force of positive change, laughing, loving and spreading joy.  Until I can afford to do that full time, I need to make sure I have time for these things in my day to day life.

Today, I decided to bring my iPod to work with me.  Work can be drainging, but it's a lot more fun if I'm chair dancing.  You should try it.

Sometimes the littlest of things are all we need to get us over a hump until we find our way back to our paths.


Anonymous said...

I thought you had forgotten about choosing joy...the blog that is...not the actual act.

Yes life and work have a way at widdling down our cheery personas and making us see the glass as half full.

Be thankful you are an optimist with a hot tub...those 2 factors can only be helpful in resetting your expectations.

Stop being a little Ms. Type A, take a deep breath, and get through each task one at a time.

Alison... said...

You def have way too much on your plate but I'm glad you take the time to still enjoy life, enjoy some relaxation and music too.

Once your finished with school, it'll be easier.