Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I think we all know for the most part that New Year's Resolutions do not generally stick, but that doesn't stop me from taking time each New Year's (and at other points during the year) to assess where I am, where I want to go, and put goals in place for myself.

Let's see how I did on the goals I had this last year:

  • Write 4 songs to sell  - I started at least four, and I finished a few, but they aren't ready to sell yet
  • Finish Documentary - I need to learn how to use my iMac and iMovie first, but I am about 30% done
  • Record a CD - DONE!
  • Stick to my budget - Eh...not so much, but probably 80%
  • Eat whole, locally grown organic foods - 50% so far
  • Spend lots of time outside - DONE!
  • Launch my business - DONE!
  • Publish 6 articles - DONE!
  • Write 2 books in the next 12 months - No, but I have about 60 pages of one book done so far
  • Read 3-4 books each month - DONE!
  • Write every day - DONE!
  • Work out 6-7 days/week - about 25% of the time
  • Lose 80 lbs - 0% done
Overall, I accomplished the majority of my goals, and I made headway on some of the others.  I am sure I did more than I would have without the goals, so I will continue setting goals! 

Here are my goals for 2010:
  • Complete my current degree program
  • Lose 80 lbs
  • Complete at least one sprint triathlon
  • Complete writing one book
  • Complete one film, no matter how short
I'm trying to be more realistic with myself, which is why I have fewer goals this year than last.  I was going to try to just pick one, but that's silly.  The first three items on the list are already done in my head - they are must do's, so the last 2 are the stretch goals.  If I can write a book, complete one film, lose all the weight I have to lose, finish my degree and complete a triathlon in 2010, I will be thrilled.  That will be a good year.

There are other things I hope to accomplish, such as my work with Imagine One Voice, financial goals and career goals, but those ambitions will be the gravy to the core essential goals I've listed above.  I feel it's important for short term goals to match long term goals, and I've been giving a lot of thought to my long term goals recently as well.

I want to be financially stable enough that I am not limited on life choices due to financial obligations, as I am currently.  I own 2 homes, one of which I'm significantly upside down in, and another which I may be somewhat upside down in.  I bought them both right before the market crashed...back when I still thought real estate was a no brainer investment.  Silly me.  Right now, I am tied down to my current location and current income bracket due to my financial obligations.  Someday, I would like to return to the place where I could make life decisions based upon what I believed I should do, not based upon what I had to do.

I am not alone.  I think most people I know are really owned by their homes and debts.  I would like to free myself of any chains that may hold me down.  Thankfully, I work in healthcare, and I find meaning in the mission behind the work I do, but I still know my financial obligations have limited my choices to some extent.

My long term goal is a bit vague...I just want to leave this world a little better off than it was when I found it.  I want the people in my life to live better lives because of the impact I had on them...  I want to always strive for justice and fight for human rights, globally.  I want to help feed people who are hungry, help the unemployed find work, and make peace. 

I know that may sound naive, but that's what I plan to do.  That's what I do now when I can, and I'm hoping that with age, I can spend more and more time accomplishing those goals.

To feed my soul and spirit, I will continue to embrace the arts, search for beauty everywhere, travel to the ends of the earth, continue my spiritual journey, and function as a relentless student of life.

I really sound like an idealistic 19 year old's funny to think that part of me is a 33 year old yuppie, card carrying member of the rat race.  I keep myself from being too grounded by embracing a youthful spirit and wonder, coloring outside of the lines, and taking very little seriously. 

Anyway, I is who I is, and I like myself.  I hope you can say the same for you.  :) 

Happy New Year to all!!


Alison... said...

good list... not too long but yes, you need more than 1 goal for the year. I will post my resolution list as well today.

Even though I'm sorry that you're upside down in your mortgages, I am not sorry that it's caused you to stay put where you are since you have wonderful friends / neighbors there!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me! Go get'em