Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oh what fun...

We decorated for Christmas when my parents were here, but we didn't get a tree yet.  I think today is going to be the day!  It's supposed to snow tonight, and I thought it would be fun to play Christmas songs, have cider or egg nog, and decorate the tree with the backdrop of snow falling.  How very Norman Rockwell...

We are going to Noel's Tree Farm in Litchfield to cut down our own tree.  They also have hayrides, hot chocolate, marshmallow roasting, live animals and more.  I'm excited!  I heard their trees are a little on the short side, but that's okay with me.  I usually buy a giant tree for the great room, and it always looks dwarfed, in addition to being a giant nuisance.

This year, we are going to put the tree in the parlor room (LOL), near the fireplace.  I think it will be very cute there...possibly even darling.

I can't wait! 


Alison... said...

I'm glad you're getting a tree this year, have a great evening!

Anonymous said...

I love real trees, but hate the maintenance that comes with them. I barely remember to water my cats, don't want to add a tree to the mix.

Please post the finished product!